Wednesday, July 2, 2014

We have arrived!

What a lovely, long first day it has been here in the UK. I was on a flight with four other OCU students  including Tanner, as well as our professor. We arrived around 6:30 a.m. then went through immigration. The woman behind the desk was frustrated with me because all of my extra information about return flights and bank statements were on my phone. Oops! As soon as we grabbed our baggage we found the greeter from Kingston and she sent us all on a car together to our flats. The driving here is more stressful than Houston, if you can imagine that. I'm still not used to looking the opposite direction when crossing the street. We were one of the first groups to arrive at Seething Wells. I am living with my sorority twin Amy, another sister Dagny, and a student from Charlotte, NC named Kirsten. We each have our own bedrooms with bathroom "pods," and we share a kitchen. Kingston provided a lunch of sandwiches–mine was chicken and bacon with salad–and "crisps," or chips. They included Harrogate spring water and a Cadbury "Wispa Gold" bar, which are like Aero bars with a layer of caramel. The weather was sunny and 75 F–which is about 24 C, I'm learning–so we ate outside and mingled with the other students. There's a group here from Central Michigan, and we met people from North Carolina and Kentucky as well. From there I went to get my internet fixed. There were two very nice gentlemen with great Cockney accents helping a long line of students get connected. It was interesting how many people told us how lucky we are to live in the states. Grass is always greener I guess! We'll be taking a tour of the surrounding area, Surbiton, at 4.

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