Thursday, July 17, 2014

Two Gents

We left the hotel and stopped by a McDonalds on the way for a drink before meeting Lance at the Royal Shakespeare Theatre. Prior to the show, we went to a talk with the director, Simon Godwin. He is incredibly passionate about Shakespeare and it was great to hear from an industry professional. So many of the people here know so much about the Bard. It was very cool to be able to apply the things we've been learning in class to the conversation. He even talked about the monologue Nick is working one. After the talk, we headed out to find some grub before the show. We didn't have much time, so we just stopped at a small take-away restaurant for fish and chips. I also popped by a corner shop across the street to grab some water. We ate in the grass in front of the theatre. A group of local twenty-somethings were playing frisbee. It was fun to watch and listen to their accents and slang words. We finished our meal and headed in to the RSC shop. It is a Shakespeare wonderland! We almost had to pull each other away from all the books to head in to the performance. What a wonderful production! Two Gentlemen of Verona is not one of my favorite Shakespeare plays, but I thoroughly enjoyed this performance! Post-show, we headed out to search for a local pub and stopped at allegedly the oldest one in Stratford.
Blurry, but the director is the one in blue 

It was packed in paper. That's the first time we've had it that way.
The sign said Two Gents, but changed right before the picture.

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