Sunday, July 13, 2014

Titus Andronicus

We had a nice relaxing Sunday morning. Nina, Liz, Tanner, Amy and I bought tickets a few months ago to see Titus Andronicus at the Globe so we took it easy until show time. The Festival of Love is a short walk from the Globe, so we decided to eat there. Tanner and I tried a Harissa chicken wrap, which was delicious. I also bought a garlic and parsley foccacia and a mojito popsicle, both very tasty. We got in line at 4:40 p.m. for a 6:30 p.m. show and there was already a long queue. We still ended up in the center, but we didn't get to lean on the stage. There was a lot of movement through the audience of the actors, so we got shifted around quite bit. Even some of the scenes happened on the ground. It was an incredible experience. The show, however, was very gory. They warned us before the show that an average of six people faint per performance. Sure enough, six people had fainted before intermission. It was very cool to recognize the actress who played Tamora from her role on Game of Thrones as Ellaria Sand. After the show we headed back to Surbiton to Coronation for a cider. We had a funny encounter on the way home with a very nice British couple. We had decided earlier that we were going to wake up early to get day seats for Skylight and wanted to stop at a place our friends had told us about. I said to the group "I want to know where the pickled pantry is," and walking the opposite direction pointed and told me "Down there!" There are plenty of very kind strangers around here who are happy to help if you just ask!
Harissa Chicken
Mojito ice lollies!
Our spot in line.
Interval (intermission) depicting our mixed emotions 
My arm was a little stage-blood stained
Tanner and I at the Globe gates

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