Thursday, July 10, 2014


This morning in BC&S, we debated over whether or not Britain should maintain the monarchy. Our consensus was about the same as the country's, divided. We left class early to head to the Victoria and Albert museum for a screening of a Hamlet production that Lauren and Lamce scheduled. It was set in the 90s with and emo, twenty-one year old Ben Whishaw as the prince of Denmark. Lon the way there we had a minor setback when Tanner accidentally left his phone on the train but the lovely gentleman at the museum in charge of the live theatre collection held the screening for us. The V&A was beautiful. I hope I get a chance to go back for their collection as well as a wedding dress exhibit and an Italian fashion exhibit. After the screening, we stopped for dinner on the way back to the train station. A friendly middle eastern man at a bright green window shop made us lovely Italian pesto, mozzerella and tomato sandwiches. He joked with us that he and his friend were debating over where we were from and he suggested China. Once we'd rallied the troops, we headed back to Leicester Square to find the theatre for Shakespeare in Love.

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